
WRMA has been providing its clients in the public and private sectors with water resources and engineering solutions for two decades. Contact us to learn more about WRMA’s core engineering design services.

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

WRMA provides engineering and infrastructure design services, rehabilitation and retrofit for drainage and water resources infrastructure for both public and private concerns.

Water Resources

Water Resources

WRMA's modeling capabilities can provide leaders with the critical information they need to make decisions that may impact long term capital needs. Contact us to learn more about how our modeling approach can lead to winning grant proposals.

Stormwater Management

Stormwater Management

WRMA clients have the benefit of having our Stormwater infrastructure professionals guide them from concept development to shovel ready plans.

Green Infrastructure & Sustainability

Green Infrastructure & Sustainability

WRMA's approach to green infrastructure utilizes a combination of proven best management practices (BMPs), ensuring compliance with local water quality requirements while creating a more sustainable environment.

Floodplain Modeling

Floodplain Modeling

FEMA Permitting for a map revision (LOMR/CLOMR's) can be a complex process. Our experienced Certified Floodplain Managers can guide you through the tangled web of FEMA regulations and move your project towards the finish line.



Permitting a project in the right way can mean the difference between making the schedule and lengthy delays. WRMA can help navigate your project through the complex web of local, state and federal regulations.

Condition Assessment

Condition Assessment

WRMA's engineering team provides comprehensive condition assessments of sanitary and stormwater pipeline systems through closed circuit television inspections (CCTV).



GIS applications are the standard tools for master planning and watershed analysis. WRMA's advanced remote sensing and imaging capabilities provide the tools for cost efficient design and layout of civil infrastructure projects.

Grant Writing

Grant Writing

With a track record of over $33 million in awarded grants, WRMA are experts in the procurement of state and federal grants for hazard mitigation, coastal resiliency, and green infrastructure projects. Our unique approach can help move your project from concept stage to boots on the ground.