Stormwater master planning, design, and analysis services for urban, suburban as well as for larger scale watershed studies and assessments, requires advanced expertise in hydrologic and hydraulic stormwater management system modeling, groundwater, wetland hydroperiod modeling and water quality modeling.
Since the introduction of green infrastructure and the emergence of a national emphasis on low impact development (LID), municipalities and developers are now seeking to achieve both greater storage capacity and treatment using a variety of proven best management practices (BMPs).
WRMA’s engineering team consists of drainage professionals who are experienced in blending traditional stormwater management practices with green infrastructure measures to produce environmentally sustainable designs compliant with MS-4 permit requirements for treatment of urban stormwater runoff.
WRMA’s capabilities and services in stormwater management range from Operations & Maintenance (O&M) related services which can include inspection and cleaning, to full design engineering involving the design and replacement of existing culverts and bridges, conventional pipe-to-pond collection systems, and stormwater pump station design and optimization.
WRMA performs Stormwater Management services in the following areas:
- Drainage for Transportation
- Drainage for Waste Management
- Erosion and Sediment Control for Construction Sites
- Flood Control Engineering
- Green Infrastructure & Low Impact Development (LID)
- Rehabilitation & Retrofit of Existing Stormwater Management Systems
- Stormwater Infrastructure Asset Inventories
- Stormwater Infrastructure Condition Assessment
- Stormwater Management Collection System Design
- Stormwater Management Permitting (MS4, NPDES)
- Stormwater Management System Inspections
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Water Quality Assessment
- Wetland Mitigation and Impact Analysis
WRMA Stormwater Management Services include:
- Best Management Practice (BMP) design and computer simulation
- Design and specifications of levees, channels, storm sewers, pumps, and retention/detention facilities for stormwater management plan implementation
- Engineering economic analysis of alternative water management plans
- H&H/water quality modeling for regulatory compliance (NPDES/TMDL’s) studies
- Level of Service (LOS) analysis of existing drainage systems for retrofit engineering design, permitting, and implementation
- Master planning for Capital Improvement Plan Implementation (CIP)
- Preparation of Maryland’s Joint Permit Application (JPA), and Florida’s Environmental Resource Permitting (ERP) for stormwater management plan implementation