Improving water quality has become an environmental objective in most county and city jurisdictions. WRMA believes in the importance of preserving the quality of our nation’s water resources and the critical role those resources play in the maintenance of healthy eco-systems which rely heavily on the food and habitats provided by surrounding water bodies.
Urban stormwater runoff carries trash, bacteria, heavy metals, and other pollutants, degrading the quality of receiving water bodies. Higher runoff flows can also cause erosion and flooding, damaging habitat, property, and infrastructure. The current regulatory environment has been modified to ensure that future development incorporates infrastructure elements capable of treating urban stormwater runoff.
WRMA assists municipalities by providing design solutions for existing and new stormwater infrastructure to improve water quality treatment of urban stormwater runoff, reduce runoff volumes to existing conveyances, beautify existing street corridors, re-develop or re-brand aged neighborhood communities, and improve overall collection system performance. Our Green Infrastructure (GI), Low Impact Development (LID) practices use vegetation, soils, and natural processes to manage water and create healthier urban environments. These include concepts at the lot level (barrels, raingardens), the road level (bioswales), and at the basin level (biodetention).
In addition to stormwater management benefits and enhanced climate resiliency, incorporation of GI/LID practices can lower a city’s CRS Rating and increase grant funding potential. Grant funding sources that recognize the benefit of green infrastructure include the SFWMD, FDEP and FEMA.