The Town of Lake Park Stormwater Drainage System consisted of grassed swales for conveyance runoff to catch basins and underground pipes discharging through ten (10) major outfalls to the intracoastal waterway and the C-17 canal.
WRMA developed a new Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) to address the town’s aging drainage infrastructure and climate change/environmental stressors such as Sea Level Rise (SLR) which pose a challenge to the system capacity. The new SWMP provided the town with a long-range planning tool which allows for the rehabilitation of the existing drainage infrastructure over the next 20 years and meets sustainability goals. WRMA applied new LiDAR topography data, ICPR4-2D H&H modeling, and a progressive Green Infrastructure/Climate Change Abatement-based design approach for the development of the SWMP.